

My dream job is creating AI art

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Hello, I'm a middle age man, married with two kid, I have a steady job that pay the bills leaving little to spare. I'm the only one working now, and my work is with computers. I started working with computers because computers are my passion. Since AI started I've been doing it as a side project, trying to make some profit from it, and at the same time creating beautiful art. My dream is to get some more money and try to open a AI painting workshop, where I can print and sell my art. For this I need to have a reasonable printer and a place where I can assembly my paintings, where my family can help me do this also. I know it may seam a stupid and simple dream, and why I don't do it on my own. It is because I have a moderate life that don't leave much margin for financial error. So I'm afraid of risking everything in this dream and loose the ability to support my family. So in the end I ask for anyone that may be in the financial position of helping me, to do so. I thank you for all your support. If you see my art over the internet or somewhere else, I hope you like it. Good dreams, Best Regards

Examples of my art:


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