
Epona Author Solutions

Cultivating Author Community and Support

Cieľom EponaAuthor je dostávať 15,00 USD týždenne.
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Are you an author looking to get off the hustle bus? Tired of learning new tricks and gimmicks to drive readers toward your books? We are too, and that's why at Epona Author Solutions we're cultivating a sustainable model for being an author, one that helps you follow the path you want to take (or your stories take you on), rather than chasing trends and tossing big bucks to some internet marketer who wants to teach you yet another can't miss trick with promises that never materialize. We're creating a community on our website as well as hosting a Mastodon Server and looking to expand into other Fediverse projects. If you're an author who wants to take this journey with us, welcome to Epona Author Solutions, where we help authors run free!

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