

(a.k.a 'Foo Barz076') Making stories about size fetish stuffs.

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(defun Foo (quote ((Babel 'Chinese' 'English:2' 'Japanese:1'), '#SizeTwitter', 'Rin Chan Now!', 'To be continued.' )))

(That's OK if you have no experience of Lisp. It describes Foo speaks Chinese natively and has intermediate level of English , basic level of Japanese since I am just started learning them.)

Howdy, here is Foo. Or "[Foo]Barz076" in the need to avoid confusion. While I am learning about creating giant girls portfolio illustrations and games to share my hobbies and favourite characters to other friends. >_<

Now I have a nearly finished game and another working one, occasionally creating images of other themes. Through English is not my primary language, I still hope to meet more friends crossing this world :-) ----

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Foobarz sa pridal pred 2 rokmi.

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