

Help us support activists in Portland and beyond

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Who we are

Hacker Activist Collective PDX (HAC PDX) is a group of leftist hacktivists working toward collective liberation. We are based in the Cascadia bioregion, residing primarily on occupied Chinook lands.

What we do

We design, engineer, and publish specifications for tools and equipment for activists and people fighting for just causes.

We build projects to support self-sufficiency and a future beyond scarcity.

We collaborate with local street medics and direct action organizers to produce and distribute equipment for direct actions.

We develop, host, and provide backend tech support for activist software tools.

All of our projects are open-sourced once they reach functional maturity.

Find us at:

Prepojené účty

HACPDX_ vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:


HACPDX_ sa pridal pred 4 rokmi.

Príjem za týždeň (v americký dolár)

Počet patrónov týždenne