
Ian Grant

Trying To Join Up Science, Technology and Mathematics

Cieľom IanANGrant je dostávať 5,00 € týždenne.
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The sole purpose for funds in this account is to enable me to make payments to people whose work I find useful for my own work. I am hoping to one day be able to automate the process of circulating financial support by connecting up the content delivery mechanisms, but it seems that is a hard problem. Until we have a solution, I would like to be able to support people who have helped me, so that they can spend more of their doing work that helps others in the same way that they helped me through their work.

Prepojené účty

IanANGrant vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:


IanANGrant sa pridal pred 4 mesiacmi.

Príjem za týždeň (v euro)

Počet patrónov týždenne

Táto stránka obsahuje strojovo preložený text, ktorý ešte nebol skontrolovaný a môže byť nepresný. Môžete prispieť.