

Building Cubid Protocol, a proof-of-personhood protocol and network of apps.

Kaz má 0 patrónov.


Cubid Protocol was originally established with the vision of enabling small payments of Universal Basic Income on all blockchains. But it has since grown to be a full blown proof-of-personhood protocol that enables many wonderful things, like democratic voting across borders, building online reputation, bot-proofing websites and apps and much more.

I'm building this protocol on nights and weekends and offering it up for free as a public good. Any user can use it for free to verify themselves, and any app can also integrate with the protocol for free.

But that's not all. A list of all the public good sites I maintain and operate can be found here:

Any little contribution would be very appreciated. Much love, Kaz

Prepojené účty

Kaz vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:


Kaz sa pridal pred 2 mesiacmi.

Príjem za týždeň (v kanadský dolár)

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