
Leon Omelan

I created the free and open-source coffee brew timer for Android

LeonOmelan dostáva 5,53 € za týždeň od 4 patrónov.
Prispievajte   Platobná karta Príkaz z inkasa


As a patron, you'll be supporting the continued development and maintenance of Cofi, and your contribution will make a real difference.

All funds received through LibrePay will be used to support the continued development of Cofi. This includes treating the Cofi team (myself) to the occasional cup of coffee at my local café to help fuel my work. Monthly patronage makes sure that you'll be making a sustained and ongoing contribution to the project.

Thank you for your support!

Prepojené účty

LeonOmelan vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:


Cofi Hviezdy 321 Upravené tento týždeň

Free and open-source coffee brew timer. Customizable time settings and an easy-to-use interface. Perfect cup every time.

Prispievatelia   Exportovať ako CSV

LeonOmelan má 1 verejného prispievateľa.

0,69 USD/týždenne

Darcovia   Exportovať ako CSV

LeonOmelan verejne prispieva 1 tvorcovi.

0,46 €/týždenne


LeonOmelan sa pridal pred 1 rokom.

Príjem za týždeň (v euro)

Počet patrónov týždenne

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