

I create a daily Mastodon feed covering climate change and environmental impacts/solutions.

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A British based nature lover curating an environmental news feed on the Fediverse. My mission is to highlight the ever-evolving world by looking at the successes and downfalls in our transition to a greener future. Currently I manage three profiles on the Fediverse as well as a blog and Matrix community.

  • Mastodon - A daily curated news feed of environmental and climate related news from around the world.

  • PixelFed - Occasional photographer posting pictures of their travels and things that catch their eye within the United Kingdom.

  • Bookwrym - Keep abreast of what I am reading and want to read.

  • Blog - My personal blog which talks about all things environment, wildlife and climate related.

  • Matrix - A small community of people communicating about the environment and climate as well as friendly off-topic chats.

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PrimoNatura má 1 verejného prispievateľa.

2,30 GBP/týždenne


PrimoNatura sa pridal pred 1 rokom.

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