

Continuing the legacy of Vanced

ReVanced dostáva 6,30 € za týždeň od 21 patrónov. Cieľ: 8,00 €
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ReVanced was born out of Vanced's discontinuation and our goal is to continue the legacy of what Vanced left behind. Thanks to ReVanced Patcher, it's possible to create long-lasting patches for nearly any Android app such as YouTube, Twitter, Tiktok, and many more. ReVanced's patching system is designed to allow patches to work on new versions of the apps automatically with bare minimum maintenance. So far, ReVanced features patches such as ad blocking, custom themes, and even completely new features - fully open source and free of charge 🎉


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ReVanced vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:


revanced-website Hviezdy 260 Upravené tento týždeň

🌐 Website for ReVanced

revanced-integrations Hviezdy 644 Upravené tento týždeň

🔩 ReVanced Integrations containing classes to be merged by ReVanced Patcher

revanced-patcher Hviezdy 2327 Upravené tento týždeň

💉 ReVanced Patcher used to patch Android applications

revanced-manager Hviezdy 15677 Upravené pred 1 týždňom

💊 Application to use ReVanced on Android

revanced-cli Hviezdy 875 Upravené pred 2 týždňami

💻 Command line application to use ReVanced

revanced-documentation Hviezdy 209 Upravené pred 1 mesiacom

🗄 Collection of all ReVanced documentation

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ReVanced má 5 verejných prispievateľov.

4,50 PLN/týždenne
0,19 USD/týždenne
Oleg K
0,09 USD/týždenne
0,01 USD/týždenne
0,01 USD/týždenne


ReVanced sa pridal pred 1 rokom.

Príjem za týždeň (v euro)

Počet patrónov týždenne

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