
Remilia Scarlet

Open source programmer working in Crystal and Common Lisp.

Cieľom RemiliaScarlet je dostávať 15,00 USD týždenne.
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My name is Remilia Scarlet and I am an open source developer writing apps and libraries for Linux. I mainly focus on audio players, porting code, bots for chat rooms, and video game tools. I have backgrounds in software engineering, computer science, and Linux system administration.

The projects I'm currently most passionate about are my command line audio players, midi123 and Benben. These come from my love of old video game music, as well as my own hobby of writing music. I plan to expand and support these far into the future, as well as build new command line players for additional formats.

When I'm not programming, I'm basically a homemaker. I have no source of income myself, and devote most of my time to programming, so any donations are incredibly inspiring and helpful.

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RemiliaScarlet sa pridal pred 1 rokom.

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