

Linux reviews and open source news on Twitch and PeerTube

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TheDistroHopper is Amedeo, a 29-year-old Linux fan from Lake Maggiore, Italy 🏞️. I enjoy fantasy 🗡️ - now reading: The Wheel of Time - music 🤘 (TOOL!) and teaching ✏️ (I work in a College in the UK).

I stream about everything Linux and open source 🐧, reviewing and commenting on two different platforms: Twitch, in Italian 🟪🇮🇹, and PeerTube, in English 🟧🇬🇧.

Stop by to say hi 👋 (or ciao! 🤌), you can find my stream schedule for both websites in the corresponding profile page 🗓️.

Keep in mind that 50% of the combined monthly revenues 🪙 of PeerTube and Twitch donations will be donated back ➡️💸 to an open source project picked by the community 🌐!

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TheDistroHopper sa pridal pred 4 rokmi.

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