
Gardiner Bryant

Making Linux, Tech, and Gaming Content for YouTube and LBRY

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My name is Gardiner Bryant. I make my work freely available on [YouTube]() and

I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember, a Linux fan since the early-2000's, and a free software enthusiast for about as long.

On my channel I talk about Linux, video games, and the intersection between the two. This often takes the form of gushing about Valve's Steam Deck; what I believe to be the premier gaming hardware.

Every week on the channel I release at least two videos; typically one of them is a video talking about Steam Deck news.

Sometimes I do other videos about topics which tickle my fancy, but most often it's about video games and Linux.

Why Crowdfunding? In November of 2019, I quit my job and struck out on my own. It was a very strange time to do that, but also exceptionally rewarding.

Together during 2020 and 2021, we took the channel to greater heights and I ever thought possible. But it wasn't until 2022 when I returned to my roots (namely, Linux gaming) and we experienced truly explosive growth.

Your support helps fund the production of this show as well as sustains my Peertube instance,!

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