

Exploring the intersection between comics and contemporary art.

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Uncomics is a project to explore the intersection between comics and contemporary art — in practice and theory. It currently consists of three complementary subprojects: A print anthology, the Uncomics podcast, and the Uncomics website.

The purpose of that site is to further develop the concept of uncomics, to shine a light on artists working in that interdisciplinary field, and to serve as a platform to bring together both scholars and creatives in that pursuit.

As of September 2022, the project is run without funding by Allan Haverholm. It will always remain not-for-profit and independent of commercial interest. Your donations will go toward server costs and some small semblance of income from his efforts.


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Prepojené účty

Uncomics vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:


Uncomics sa pridal pred 2 rokmi.

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