
Bottles Developers

Easily manage wineprefix in a new way!

bottles dostáva 2,71 USD za týždeň od 8 patrónov.
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Bottles was born in 2017 as a personal need. We needed a practical way to manage my wineprefixes. We hate the idea of using applications that install me a version of wine for each application and We decided to create this application, based on the concept of using one or more wine prefixes as a "container" for all my applications.

In 2020, Bottles v2 has a stunning interface :sunglasses: that is easy to understand and use!

We have adopted an internal community driven dependency system with which it is easy to extend Wine's software support!

We aim to simplify but also revolutionize the way applications are run on Linux via Wine. Ok is a great goal but in small steps, we will get there.

Prepojené účty

bottles vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:

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bottles má 1 verejného prispievateľa.

Jacob Ludvigsen
0,11 NOK/týždenne


bottles sa pridal pred 3 rokmi.

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