

Facilitating yoga, meditation, and security as a walkaway anarchist

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Yoga & Meditation Bio: I facilitate yoga and meditation for the collective at Here's my bio: Eoin (they/them) traces the roots of their yoga practice to childhood martial arts such as Olympic fencing and Aikido, where the seeds of meditation and embodiment practice were planted. As an adult, these seeds grew into an asana practice rooted in Hatha/flow, and a meditation practice informed by direct teaching from Dave Smith (current meditation mentor), Chris Crotty, and Sayadaw U Indaka (and his translator, May Myint Oo). Eoin currently references the Secular Dharma Foundation for ethical guidance. Eoin remains active in martial arts, holding a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu earned from the team at South Tampa Jiu Jitsu & MMA. They hold an RYT 200 certification accountable to the Yoga Alliance.

Hacker Bio: Previous corporate operator working in cybersecurity, I walked away from my corporate career in 2024, after 25 years in the industry. Hacker since childhood, I dig selfies.

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