

Open source developer

cketti dostáva 1,29 € za týždeň od 1 patróna.
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Hello friend 👋

I'm the maintainer of K-9 Mail, an email app for Android. It is part of the Thunderbird project.

I'm currently in the very fortunate position of being one of the full-time Thunderbird employees. The project is almost entirely funded by user donations. So if you want to support the development of K-9 Mail/Thunderbird on Android, please donate to Thunderbird.

But if you'd like to say thanks for one of my side projects, please feel free to donate here 🙂

Prepojené účty

cketti vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:


cketti sa pridal pred 6 rokmi.

Príjem za týždeň (v euro)

Počet patrónov týždenne

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