
Liberapay SCAM/FRAUD?

Warning do not ever donate through liberapay - READ

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Prispievajte   PayPal


Liberapay for many years now (search github commits, zero fix to this blatant and alleged criminal tactic without question or challenge apparently, and discover THE FRAUD): prompts donation-collecting users to:

(a) Add a Paypal address WITHOUT verification. There is zero, you can add any functioning email. If you change your account email, you must verify it via its email. If you add, change your paypal, there is ZERO account email verification or more importantly any authorization or verification as typical to or with paypal.

What Libera pay is allegedly illegally doing is collecting payments/donations that may or MAY NOT ever be routed to a specified paypal account, completely unverified if it even exists, the email is even valid! CRAZY, years and no one has caught this.

Liberapay falsely presents itself as ethical yet the whole obvious platform is either completely negligent or criminal or both, allegedly. See the facts. I guess if they use Stripe and route all this un-forwarded money to their own bank accounts, Stripe is not great or legal is it? Money laundering extreme? It certainly looks like it. Where does all the money go not forwarded. Zero accountability = Fraud. Mass Fraud.

(b) Liberapay then collects (and has been FOR YEARS illegally) potentially millions of dollars annually and regularly in donations. However if the Liberapay account "paypal-linked" [actually not necessarily linnked, zero verification!] email is a non-existent, revoked or broken email address that does not route the donation, then they are (1) taking their commission earning (2) and stealing / not routing (obviously) the donations to any real paypal in many instances.

(c) Further intentional criminal design behind this, fully substantiated by-design, whereby no use can actually disconnect/remove such an email address specified. It can be changed to a non-paypal illegitmate non-routing email address without verification. The alleged crooks at Liberapay of course want this so people continue to potentially send them donations and Liberapay legally keeps a commission filed, but also the bulk share of donation is NEVER ROUTED and retained by them, it seems?!

Crooks? It is unbelievably that this has definitely done on since their inception! A criminal fraud racket.

Every single other platform of course requires and hook into paypal with verification. Not here, for a reason.

(d) Note: Accepted currencies, it prompts you to select all accepted but not de-selelect and again you cannot disable a collection donation button from your profile!

NOTE: No matter what I cannot remove the specified paypal email I put (unverified, you can simply add any email as long as it exists and does nnot bounce as non-existent) + the consequence is that SEE THAT BIG YELLOW "DONATE" BUTTON ON THIS PAGE, IT CANNOT BE REMOVED! A specified Paypal email "payment processor" address once specified cannot be removed!

So the button remains, so these criminals can field donations regardless if it actually gets send to a Paypal account or not. And there is also no method to disable the button or collection. FACT PROOF. HARD PROOF OF ALLEGED FRAUD, and that 100% there are going to be many broken "payment processing" email addresses on accounts out there and without any thus collected with no actual outward destination.

By the way give that extra dollar to "climate pledge," I am sure it might help reduce fraud and carbon emissions - zero disclosure again.


exposed sa pridal pred 2 rokmi.

exposed nezverejňuje koľko dostáva cez Liberapay.