

Creating free and open-source educational resources and documentation

kevinbowen dostáva 0,00 USD za týždeň od 0 patrónov.
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I am a network engineer, by trade, with over 25 years experience in operations, design, implementation, and monitoring.

Additionally, I am also a documentation supervisor for the Xfce desktop environment( Occasionally, I have contributed to the source code as well.

Currently, I am studying and teaching myself Python and Django for the past two years.

If you donate, I will be able to continue this work as well as publish guides, howtos, and tutorials related to my experience.

Prepojené účty

kevinbowen vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:


web-project-index Hviezdy 0 Upravené pred 2 rokmi

A list of projects using Python web frameworks


kevinbowen sa pridal pred 2 rokmi.

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