
Harald Eilertsen

Free software development, security testing and translations.

kodeknekkeriet dostáva 0,00 NOK za týždeň od 0 patrónov.
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I will contribute development time, translations and security testing for free software projects.

Current priorities:

  • Hubzilla (Repo | Open MR's)
    • Rework help system, fixing long standing bugs, and improve performance and maintainability.
    • Improve performance, and add framework for performance testing.
    • Improved framework for automated tests, and increase test coverage. (Mostly done, more tests needed.)
    • Add support for Hubzilla in Sandcastles for better interop testing of fediverse software. (On hold)
  • HeavyMetal.no
    • New website using WordPress
    • Create custom theme for heavymetal.no
    • Migration script to migrate articles from old CMS


kodeknekkeriet sa pridal pred 10 mesiacmi.

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