

trying to fix my wheelchair & improve quality of life

mimuki dostáva 0,00 AUD za týždeň od 0 patrónov.
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to keep it brief, I’m poor and the income I have can't pay for the quality of life I used to have. donations pay for everything part of “existing as a disabled person” :P

I’m not good at writing about myself, but it you’re reading this you probably know me from somewhere on the fediverse!

whether its $1 or $100, any bit of money helps :) if you’d like to donate in other ways (e.g. buying a specific thing for me, or anything thats not $$$) please send me a message!

don’t feel obligated to do a multi month subscription or anything, you can totally just throw me $5 and immediately cancel afterwards. thats just a liberapay being weird thing I think

Prepojené účty

mimuki vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:


mimuki sa pridal pred 2 rokmi.

Príjem za týždeň (v austrálsky dolár)

Počet patrónov týždenne

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