
Matrix Rooms Search

MRS is a fully-featured, standalone, matrix rooms search service.

mrs dostáva 1,00 USD za týždeň od 1 patróna. Cieľ: 100,00 USD
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Lack of rooms discovery for new users is one of the issues we noticed while installing and hosting hundreds of Matrix servers on Today, we welcome you to, a search engine built for matrix rooms discovery.

The current index contains over 230,000 rooms across 19,000 servers, and we're constantly tweaking it to provide more relevant search results. Even non-English users may find it useful because it does automatic language detection in room names and topics.

We plan the following future improvements:

  • Searching by language implemented
  • Searching by specific field implemented
  • Providing a browsable catalog of rooms by server/language/etc
  • Implementing a subset of the Matrix Server-Server API to request (and provide!) a Matrix-native rooms directory implemented, Source code, Matrix Room

As with anything else we do at, the website, its API backend and all related tools are free software (A/GPL).


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mrs má 1 verejného prispievateľa.

Jacob Taylor
1,00 USD/týždenne


mrs sa pridal pred 1 rokom.

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