

nolog dostáva 7,85 USD za týždeň od 17 patrónov.
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We are NoLog - activist IT collective supporting free-thinking individuals and organizations in their efforts to change the world for the better.

We offer everyone free alternatives to services for which users otherwise pay dearly with their personal data.

We can provide individual support and tools to organizations with whom we share common values. Regardless of whether they could afford it in a commercial environment.

We can exist thanks to individual donations that cover the operation and management of our infrastructure.

Prepojené účty

nolog vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:

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nolog má 1 verejného prispievateľa.

0,25 €/týždenne


nolog sa pridal pred 7 mesiacmi.

Príjem za týždeň (v americký dolár)

Počet patrónov týždenne

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