
Permapeople team

Permapeople is a non-commercial org dedicated to making plant/planting data open and accessible.

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Permapeople is a non-commercial organization committed to building tools to help people grow more plants. Our magic seed is our plant database, a collection of over 8000 plants — built on the shoulders of other great organizations and a dedicated community of contributors.

We also support a suite of other tools to help growers get things done: an open marketplace where people can swap and source seeds, a landscape designer where growers can plan and map their foodscapes, a garden journal to track and share progress/experiments/successes, and plant management tools where you can collect and organize plants in lists for easy access to the information you need.

We support data downloads, and a fully functional API (in beta) that can be used to consume all of our plant data - available upon request. Anyone can become a contributor, just like Wikipedia.

Our aim is to help people grow more food to feed themselves, their families, and their community.

Prepojené účty vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:

História sa pridal pred 6 mesiacmi.

Príjem za týždeň (v kanadský dolár)

Počet patrónov týždenne

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