

I develop, maintain, and administrate free software projects.

rixx dostáva 0,01 € za týždeň od 1 patróna.
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Hi! I'm rixx (or Tobias) and I'm creating open source software. I also do work in open source communities: I contribute code and documentation to projects, I help with issue triage, I give presentations, and I publish life notes from conferences I attend.

To keep some semblance of a work-life-balance, I read (a lot), and I publish my opinions on the things I read both on GoodReads and in monthly book blog posts on my blog.

What do I do?

I'll try to keep this list up to date with all the public things I do (public good, I hope, but I'll leave the judgement to you).

  • I build pretalx (talk management for conferences).
  • I build byro (membership management for clubs and associations).
  • I'm one of the two administrators of the Mastodon instance
  • I regularly share my experience in running community events with people who tackle their first or second event.
  • I give presentations on matters I'm knowledgeable about, like Python, Django, and git.
  • I also write blog posts about these things.
  • I contribute to Django, both by the occasional PR, and by triaging tickets, helping people through the PR process, and answering questions.
  • Guilty pleasure: I read. A lot. And I write blog posts about those books, and I recommend them to others where appropriate.

What's the money for?

The money's for me, muuuhaha! No, really: I'm currently employed full-time as a software developer, and spending most of my free time with and on open source communities can take its toll. I'm working towards having more time for this in general, and being on Patreon and liberapay seems like a good step towards that goal.

This also means that while part of the money will go to on-topic costs (like servers, conference attendance, or books), other parts will go towards making sure that I can continue doing this without burning out on it (like ice cream, or books).

Transparency notes

pretalx, my biggest open source project, is the only one I try to monetize by way of hosting offers. No part of it is closed source, though, and I support self-hosted versions both via advice and documentation.

If you're uncomfortable with donating on liberapay (either due to the platform, or because you just want to send me a one-off donation), I have alternative donation options.

Prepojené účty

rixx vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:


rixx je členom 1 tímu:


We are running a Mastodon instance called

46,75 €


rixx sa pridal pred 6 rokmi.

Príjem za týždeň (v euro)

Počet patrónov týždenne

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