
Sumner Evans

I make (A)GPL-licensed software

sumner dostáva 1,59 USD za týždeň od 3 patrónov.
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My day job is working for Beeper as a software engineer where I get to work on many open source projects. In my free time, I maintain a variety of open source of side projects.

You can find more information about me on my website:

Notable projects I work on at my job...

Notable projects I've started include...

  • Sublime Music: a feature-rich native GTK Subsonic client with a beautiful UI, Chromecast support, offline support, and DBus interface support.
  • tracktime: a CSV-based time tracking software with sophisticated reporting.
  • offlinemsmtp: a wrapper around msmtp allowing for offline usage.
  • matrix-chessbot: a bot that responds to FEN strings with an image of the board, and also allows you to play a chess game interactively with the bot.

Notable projects I help maintain include...

  • Nix Home Manager: a basic system for managing a user environment using the Nix package manager together with the Nix libraries found in Nixpkgs.
  • Nixpkgs: I help maintain a couple packages, primarily ones related to the Matrix ecosystem.

Prepojené účty

sumner vlastní na iných platformách nasledovné účty:

Prispievatelia   Exportovať ako CSV

sumner má 1 verejného prispievateľa.

Raghd Hamzeh
0,23 CAD/týždenne

Darcovia   Exportovať ako CSV

sumner verejne prispieva 1 tvorcovi.

0,25 USD/týždenne


sumner sa pridal pred 5 rokmi.

Príjem za týždeň (v americký dolár)

Počet patrónov týždenne

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