
honor ash

artist and writer based in norwich, england dostáva 3,74 GBP za týždeň od 2 patrónov.
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honor ash is an artist and writer based in Norwich, UK, researching communication, community, trust & power, both on and offline.

Their practice includes performance, improvised music, writing, speaking, photography, DIY websites & publishing, facilitating community arts events, and running a collaborative interdisciplinary art space called Ambition’s Graveyard.

ash has exhibited, performed, spoken, and facilitated across the UK and internationally, working with Rhizome, Solar Protocol, the Dance Art Journal, the Association for Performance Art in Berlin, The White Pube & more. They also work as a writer with Geeks for Social Change, a research and design studio working to imagine and build kind and liberated futures through tech, research, and activism.

ash is currently working on a literary fiction project exploring cancellation, community, exile and trust.

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0,22 GBP/týždenne

História sa pridal pred 2 rokmi.

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